Friday, June 10, 2011

Philippians 4:13

When you put your life in God's hands, your future is certain. This has been a truly blessed day. Started the day by receiving an amazing message from Dr. Andrew Clark. He spoke on hearing your call from God and following it. If God has called you then He will provide the way. I have really been worrying lately about my support. I really didn't think that I had enough to go on this trip. I have been and continue to trust the Lord with my funds. The first blessing came yesterday in the form of a plane ticket. If you research travel to Africa, you will find that is is in no way inexpensive. The average plane ticket to Sierra Leone is about $1500. We are blessed to have the tickets at a much lower price!! I just had a meeting with my financial advisor and thanks to all of you I am alot closer to my goal than I thought! This doesn't seem possible ... to raise that amount of money in roughly 3 months. I feel like "thank you" does not say enough. I will be able to continue to received funds throughout my trip. Check out my official Mercy Ships website @
 Philippians 4:13 ~ It really is possible, because all things are possible through Christ!
With Love, Kari

1 comment:

  1. :) Yay God! Lord, thank you for demonstrating Your love for Kari through financial provision! Give her eyes to see You at work in every aspect of her life! And may words & songs of praise flow out of her mouth like a rushing river. In Jesus' name! Amen.

