Monday, June 13, 2011


Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. -Matthew 28:19. The Greek word for baptism, baptizo means to dip or saturate. So therefore we are to saturate people, communities and nations in the name of the Trinity. Think back to the day of your baptism. It was a special day wasn't it? It may have been a long time ago, maybe you were a child or like me maybe it has only been a few years. You went in that baptismal pool one person and emerged "a new improved version". But think about it, are you saturated with the Lord and are you saturating others around you?? This is what I learned today. Am I saturating others? The honest answer is I don't know if I am, so this is something that I am going to set out to do. Will you join me? Let us all exemplify the character of God. Go out and be compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in loving kindness and forgiving. Maybe together we can make a difference is someone's life!
Another activity we had in class was to write a Psalm to God. I encourage you to do the same, it really does open your eyes to how God has blessed you. I realized how God has impacted me and been there in the transformation from the person I used to be. This is my Psalm:

God is so good. Throughout my life you have always been there...
When I was sad and all alone ... you were there holding my hand,
When I was sad and depressed ... you lifted my head,
When I was confused and did not know where to walk ... you led the way,
When I felt abandoned by others ... you stood by me,
When I was lost in this world ... you rescued me and called me your own.
You are my Father, my Most High King, my Bridegroom and my Friend. The love you have for me is more numerous than the stars and the sands by the sea. It is unimaginable. This Lord, is why you are so good.

1 comment:

  1. This adventure is already stretching you :) ... So excited to see what the next few months do in you! :D

