This week we are studying personal and interpersonal development, in other words ... Who am I and Who are you? So I think it goes without saying that today has definitely been a time of learning for me. During the lunch time hour I had a meeting with one of the chaplains, just to discuss how everything is going. Let's just say (without going into details) it was very good for me to get some long enclosed feelings out and vent some frustrations. It was an awesome time, I wish I could have a meeting like that once a week. This is what I learned though. Every day we should say this little five second prayer ... Dear Lord, allow me to see myself through your eyes today - Amen. Do you realize the way He sees you and me? We are perfect and so dazzling beautiful (or handsome c:). You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex. Your workmanship is marvelous; how well I know it. - Psalm 139:13-14 Another way to use the word knit is to say to carefully and lovingly form or piece together. God carefully and lovingly made you just the way you are because He wants you to be unique. He knows you have freckles, short legs or big curly hair ... He made you that way. I encourage you to pray this prayer with me every day. Maybe we can all begin to realize how beautifully and intricately unique God has made us all.
In other news Texas has really mean wasps! I had encounter numero dos with these evil flying insects today. In Georgia if you avoid them they won't bother you. Well today I'm sitting in my chair and suddenly one is buzzing around my head. I tried to stay still I really did, but eventually I had to get away. That's when it attacked, haha. It then proceeded to dodge two men trying to apprehend/kill this horrible insect, but sadly it got away to attack another day. So the score is Kari 0 / Evil Texas wasps 2 (I was stung the first week also).
Monday, June 27, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Today I went swimming
I did go swimming today, but there was so much more than that. Today we had the water portion of our basic safety training. Water practical ... what does that mean? Basically we learned what to do if the ship is in trouble or sinking. This includes how to jump from the ship, how to throw a life ring, how to climb into the life raft and best of all how to put on a water survival suit. This is also know as a gumby suit, look at the picture to find out why! Yes, it is basically one big red plastic suit. Think of the men on the TV show Deadliest Catch, you know how they have to put special gear on if they go in the water. Even though we will be in the warm climate of West Africa, we still need to be prepared. Best of all when you get in the water, the suit fills with some of the water. Now imagine climbing into a life raft from the water with about twenty pounds of water in the suit with you. Not easy at all, let's just say that I got a workout today. Overall conclusion today is ... I had fun!

Very similar indeed!
I don't have any pictures of me in the suit (at least not yet, you never know what will show up)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Rain, lightning and a toasty fire ...
Despite being delayed by rain, thunder and lightning the fire training went on today and we all survived! We had to put out two gas fires with extinguishers then the big one ... a wood burning fire in a metal container. To extinguish this one we had to use a large fireman's hose (which is quite heavy). I'm told that the container reached a high temperature of 400 degrees F. How many people can say they were in a room like that and survived??? It was pretty toasty but the suit does an amazing job. Now off to conquer the written test!
Monday, June 20, 2011
25 seconds ... Oh yeah!!
Today we started our basic safety training, we reviewed firefighting today! I never knew there was so much to learn. I mean who knew that fires spread by convection, conduction and radiation (I guess firefighters know haha). We tried on our suits and oxygen masks. They even timed us. We had a one minute time limit to get the O2 tank and mask on. I did it in 25 seconds! I wasn't close to the fastest though, everyone did very well. That part was fun but I'm not looking forward to fighting an actual fire tomorrow. More to come on that tomorrow!!
My roommate Kelly & I are geared up!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Everything is bigger in Texas
Even the churches. I attended Green Acres Baptist Church this morning. It has the largest congregation in America. What is the congregation? Oh just 17 thousand of your closest friends and family. It basically took up the whole block with two sanctuaries, parking decks and student centers.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
There is more
So I have had a kind of weird day, just dealing with some personal issues that I really need to sort out. All morning I have been praying that God will bring me out of my "funk" and make me the happy, smiley person I usually am. Every Thursday at lunch time the International Operations Center (IOC) has a community meeting which is basically a staff meeting that we must attend. With each of these meetings there is of course a devotional and prayers. One of today's scriptures was Jeremiah 29:11, which some of you may know is one of my favorites. I use it often and have really leaned on it for the past couple years. For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11 But what I have lacked to do is realize that there is more. If you read on it says: Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. -Jeremiah 29:12-13. This in itself is an answered prayer. God does have mighty plans for me and has already put these plans into motion, but He also knew that with these plans old hurts and troubles would arise. I pray to Him and He listens ... He listens! He cares so much for me that when I am having a bad day, he listens to my rambling and whining. How great is our Father?
Monday, June 13, 2011
Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. -Matthew 28:19. The Greek word for baptism, baptizo means to dip or saturate. So therefore we are to saturate people, communities and nations in the name of the Trinity. Think back to the day of your baptism. It was a special day wasn't it? It may have been a long time ago, maybe you were a child or like me maybe it has only been a few years. You went in that baptismal pool one person and emerged "a new improved version". But think about it, are you saturated with the Lord and are you saturating others around you?? This is what I learned today. Am I saturating others? The honest answer is I don't know if I am, so this is something that I am going to set out to do. Will you join me? Let us all exemplify the character of God. Go out and be compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in loving kindness and forgiving. Maybe together we can make a difference is someone's life!
Another activity we had in class was to write a Psalm to God. I encourage you to do the same, it really does open your eyes to how God has blessed you. I realized how God has impacted me and been there in the transformation from the person I used to be. This is my Psalm:
God is so good. Throughout my life you have always been there...
When I was sad and all alone ... you were there holding my hand,
When I was sad and depressed ... you lifted my head,
When I was confused and did not know where to walk ... you led the way,
When I felt abandoned by others ... you stood by me,
When I was lost in this world ... you rescued me and called me your own.
You are my Father, my Most High King, my Bridegroom and my Friend. The love you have for me is more numerous than the stars and the sands by the sea. It is unimaginable. This Lord, is why you are so good.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Years of preparation...
Have you ever had a moment where you suddenly realized that God has been planning this all along and you never ever realized it? Now I have! Today we began our Gateway training which is basically a 4 week intensive over safety, Bible study and personal growth. Over and over again I have heard the acronym YWAM this past week. Suddenly it hit me ... a year and a half ago, at Onething 2009 (which is a young adult conference), Loren Cunningham spoke. Mr. Cunningham is the head of Youth With a Mission (YWAM). During this speech something was stirred within me that made me think for the first time of missions. He even mentioned a ship with medical personnel on it. I dismissed this speech in my mind after the conference and I didn't chase that feeling back in December 2009. I realized that God has been preparing me all this time for the journey I am on. I am right where God wants me to be! For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11
Peace, Love, Heal
I found this photo on the sidebar of Facebook. I really like it because this is what nursing should be about. Bringing peace, loving others and healing their physical needs! Plus it is super duper cute!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Philippians 4:13
When you put your life in God's hands, your future is certain. This has been a truly blessed day. Started the day by receiving an amazing message from Dr. Andrew Clark. He spoke on hearing your call from God and following it. If God has called you then He will provide the way. I have really been worrying lately about my support. I really didn't think that I had enough to go on this trip. I have been and continue to trust the Lord with my funds. The first blessing came yesterday in the form of a plane ticket. If you research travel to Africa, you will find that is is in no way inexpensive. The average plane ticket to Sierra Leone is about $1500. We are blessed to have the tickets at a much lower price!! I just had a meeting with my financial advisor and thanks to all of you I am alot closer to my goal than I thought! This doesn't seem possible ... to raise that amount of money in roughly 3 months. I feel like "thank you" does not say enough. I will be able to continue to received funds throughout my trip. Check out my official Mercy Ships website @
Philippians 4:13 ~ It really is possible, because all things are possible through Christ!
With Love, Kari
Philippians 4:13 ~ It really is possible, because all things are possible through Christ!
With Love, Kari
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Looonnggg day.
I had my first day of orientation today. It was a long day of PowerPoint. It's okay though, all of these presentations of pictures and awesome stories are getting me excited! I've met a lot of fellow travelers here who are preparing for long term mission trips, like at least a two year commitment. It has me thinking ... that is a TRUE leap of faith. They are leaving it all behind to chase after God's plan for their life and to bring hope and healing to the forgotten poor. I wish I had the courage it takes to do that. Maybe ... one day c: Random Sierra Leone fact of the day: 1 in 8 women will die during childbirth. It is the leading death of women there. This blew my mind. Just think about you and your friends, an occasion that we see as a joyous one is feared in this nation. On a happier note I am making some new friends and learning a lot. Love you all lots! <3
Monday, June 6, 2011
Wow ... this is really happening!
Wow, I can't believe June 6 has already arrived. I am officially at the Mercy Ships headquarters in Texas. My day of travel went well. Funny story of the day: arrived in Dallas and felt like I did not have enough time since my flight was at 12 and I landed at 11:30. So I rush to the terminal and 12:30 rolls around I then realize that it's another time zone!! Haha ... which was awesome because I went and got some lunch. Several of you have asked for my address here and I would love to hear from all of you! I've met alot of really cool people so far, from all over the world. My room mate is from Winnipeg, Canada. Thank you everyone and I love you!!
Kari Griffis-Gateway
PO Box 2020
Lindale, TX 75771
Kari Griffis-Gateway
PO Box 2020
Lindale, TX 75771
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