Rain! People of ages young and old are standing in the rain, splashing in puddles and watching awestruck at the amazing show of lightening God has on display. In a matter of minutes you are soaked, but you don't care. How often do you get to see a raging thunderstorm in Africa in the dry season!?
Work! You walk around the ward greeting your patients with "Bonjour, Ceva?" Which means "Good morning, how are you?" This elicits an immediate smile (in 90% of cases in at least the parent) and a handshake. Throughout your day you watch a Pixar film, play jenga, have a dance party or simply snuggle with a patient. Really getting quality time to spend with patients and learning who they are.
Community! Here I sit in the cafe area, surrounded by people that I live, work and hang out with every day. There is rarely a time where you don't have someone to talk to when you are having rough day or hang out with you when you are bored.
Cuddles! Going to see an old patient and she runs towards you giggling and jumps into your arms. Immediately she cuddles into your neck and you feel totally content in the moment. You never want it to end.
So there's something in the water. After the first sip you're hooked. But it is indeed very sweet!
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