Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Real Life Miracles

Every field service there are always a few patients that medically should not have survived. They were so sick that there was no hope. But there was ... God can do mighty things. Let me introduce you to Saran, she is one of the lovely little ladies I met on the VVF ward. Like many of the other ladies she came to the ship seeking a repair of her fistula. Saran's surgery went well but post-operatively she just got sicker and sicker. One day she was fine and the next she was sitting straight up in bed, unable to catch her breath. A chest x-ray showed that one of her lungs was almost completely filled with fluid. From there things just got worse. The short of it was she went into kidney failure, it was looking very grim. We placed her in the ICU and started trying to contact family. It saddened me greatly but I tried to prepare myself that she probably wouldn't make it. There is no way to do dialysis in West Africa like you would for kidney failure patients in America. She ended up having another surgery to repair an operative complication and afterward she started perking up. It was literally overnight. One day she was in ICU and the next she was sitting in the ward smiling and happy. There is only one way to explain this ... there were alot of prayers going up for Saran. Alot of people were not ready to give up on her. God worked a real life miracle in her life. Tomorrow Saran goes home, although I will miss her smiling face and the hugs I receive everytime I see her, I know that she is blessed. For she can do all things through God who has strengthened her!

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