This past weekend I went on an absolutely breathtaking adventure. I think the easiest way to convey it would be straight from my journal entry Sunday.
I just arrived back to the ship from Kindia. Definitely was the most amazing adventure ever!!
We left Friday after our day shifts (total of 18 of us). The first objective was to catch the public bus to Medina, a nearby area of Conakry. After a short ride with at least fifty other people we arrived. Immediately you are surrounded by people calling out "Kindia, Kindia". It is up to you to find the best deal, because everything is negotiable. It took at least an hour of arguing with a guy before we were off on our adventure.
Along the way we came upon a girl, probably about eight years old holding a dead animal. Honestly I have no idea what it was. It looked like a beaver with a rat like tail. Anyway she saw us looking at her so she walked up to the car's window. When she got right in front of me she swung it at me and then ran away giggling. As you can imagine this elicited a small gasp from me haha. The end result was blood splattered on my window and a crazy African story for me! After four hours of police checkpoints and dodging humongous potholes we arrived at our hotel. Hot showers, clean sheets, full size beds ... Oh it was glorious!
Look how huge the bed is, complete with an African princess net ;) |
We awakened the next morning and planned our adventure over the breakfast of bread and tea. We decided we wanted to find the "banana village". Legend has it that Kindia is known for it's bananas and there is a certain village only accessible by foot that has great bananas. (Sidenote: Hiking is not a pastime here, crazy white people) We went out and bought some bread and laughing cow cheese for lunch sandwiches. We really had our hearts set on some avocados, but none to be found. After a short taxi ride we arrived at the base of the mountains.
The hike begins |
As we were walking toward the mountain a guy approached us and asked if we wanted to go to the village. We said yes but we will find it. We knew he would want boku money. He pretty much laughed in our faces. White man find the village by himself, haha! With a "Merci boku" we set off walking but he stayed with us all along the way. We eventually arrived at a plateau between two mountains. It was a beautiful view of the town of Kindia.
View from the plateau |
We had been told the the banana village was just a walk down the other side. Nope, we followed our new African friend as he continued up the mountain. Honestly I thought one of two things was going to happen, either my legs or lungs would stop working. Luckily my hiking buddies were gracious enough to allow many breaks.
The best break was had on a rock percariously perched on the side of the mountain. |
After about a three hour total hike we came upon some children sitting beneath a tree. They offered us some fruit. I still have no idea what it was. It had a hard outer shell and fleshy moist seeds beneath that you just stick in your mouth and suck on. It was actually pretty tasty.
Mystery fruit |
A short distance on we found the banana village. It does exist! We walked into the village to a cheer of "Fotay, Fotay" (white man) from all the children. Our African guide led us to one of the little huts that we soon found out was his house. A few moments later we are introduced to his family.
Legit African huts |
His mother goes back inside and comes out with an arm full of avocados as a gift! We decided to share our feast with our new friends.
Yum |
It was one of those moments you just want to remember forever. There I was sitting in a remote village, eating with an African family while children play football down the hill. Priceless! It was one of those moments that I felt overwhelmingly blessed that God allowed me to come to Africa. After a small football game and a dance party we were off again.
Football game. Prithvi didn't stand a chance against them! |
African dancing lesson from our tiny teachers |
We walked a small distance and found them .... The bananas! No lie, best bananas of my life. I'm ruined, I've had fruit straight from the source. Kroger or Publix will never suffice!
This is my bunkmate Trudi. The best banana of your life causes uncontainable happiness! |
By now it was late afternoon, time to go home. We said our goodbyes and literally walked down the side of the mountain! Oh what an amazing blessed life I live! I can't believe I did that!